Wednesday, May 8, 2013

 May 3, 2013
Well, we made it!  Married 50 wonderful years!  We were surprised by the Relief Society President and her daughter, Jessica, when they stopped by with these beautiful roses, candy and card.

We decided that for our anniversary we would pack a "sack" lunch and walk around the Växjö Lake.  We asked a young man to take our pictures for us as we stood in front of the lake.  We didn't walk ALL the way around the lake, but we did enjoy walking and then sitting on one of the benches they have by the lake to enjoy the picturesque scenery.  As you can see by the blue sky, it was a beautiful day, a little windy, but nice.

They turn this fountain on in the lake when the ice melts.  Notice the church in the background with two steeples.  We have another picture that is more from the front of the church that I will try to find and post later.

This ball is faceted and the facets glimmer in the sun as the ball turns.  We don't know if the wind turns it, or if it is done mechanically.  As you can see, there really isn't much greenery on the trees yet.  However, the past couple of days have been warm and we can see greenery coming.  YES!!!!!
On April 12, 2013, William Anthony Messam joined our family.  He weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 21 inches long.  We can hardly wait to hold this little great-grandson!  The proud parents are Tony and Desi Messam

At Easter time in Sweden, everyone gets branches and ties colored feathers to them and they display them on their porches, balconies, etc.  This is one that was in the middle of town.  There were several of these.  They also had 3 large white eggs in one spot.

They celebrate Easter from Friday through Tuesday and stores and businesses usually close early on Thursday to begin the holiday.  This is typical of many holidays.  They have a holiday the day before and a holiday the day after the real holiday.